The Triple Cycles supplied and manufactured Sump Plate with Drain Facility is suitable for fitting to all variations of the BSA/Triumph 3 cylinder engine. This item is interchangeable with the standard part. The Triple Cycles item has a built in drain boss, to allow easy draining of the engine sump. It is unfortunate, but a fact of life, that the sumps of these engines do eventually fill with oil from the oil tank when a bike is left standing for an extended period, and this does make starting difficult.
The plate is made from a billet of HE30 aluminium, and is hard anodised. Two variations of finish are available, these being dark grey (a slightly green/grey, the usual hard anodise colour) and medium grey. The medium grey, which is still quite dark, results when the item is removed from the treatment before the full dark finish is achieved. The drain boss is threaded with a 1/2 UNC thread, and is designed to carry a 21 1872 plug. This is a standard Triumph part, and was used on the T160 models as the gearbox drain plug. Variations of this plug are available from Triple Cycles in stainless steel with a built in magnet and the plate has been designed to carry these without the magnet touching the sump filter gauze.
This item is held in stock under the following part number, which is the standard BSA/Triumph number with the suffix A. The magnetic version of the plug is suffixed M.
57 6580A Sump Plate, with Drain Facility, T150/T160/A75 Triple Cycles special
21 1872M Drain Plug, Magnetic Facility, T150/T160/A75 Triple Cycles special
At this time (January 2003) the purchase prices of these items are:
57 6580A £42.00 Sump Plate, with Drain Facility, T150/T160/A75 Triple Cycles special
21 1872M £8.00 Drain Plug, Magnetic Facility, T150/T160/A75 Triple Cycles special
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Triple Cycles
95 Wanstead Park Road
Telephone: +44 20 8215 4583 (answerphone only, unless by arrangement)
Facsimile: +44 20 3137 2295
Copyright © 2003 Philip Pick
Version 0.15 Date January 2003